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Anything But Excel

Spring 2006 - Geosc 497A
Instructors: Charles J. Ammon
& Sridhar Anandakrishnan
Monday (01:25P - 03:20, 025 Deike)

Here is a list, but keeping up with links on a page take time. We wonder if google is faster than your own list. One thing we're sure of is that unless you use these links, you'll forget they and even this page exist. We know this because we are often surprised to see on the useful links that migrate into our own bookmarks lists, only to be forgotten.

Penn State's Library

The library has some great books and resources for you. They have online self-paced learning tools, and they have many computer books available to you through the safari data bases. Go to and select the "Safari" data base (you have to be at the University for it to work).

UNIX Resources

Using UNIX:

If you "google" for "unix tutorial" , you'll find many sites. The important thing for you to do is to find one early in the course, and then spend a few hours working through the tutorial. Don't just read it, work it. Keep notes on very useful commands until you have them memorized.

Automating tasks in UNIX:

We'll keep our list short and portable by referring you to a superb site full of information and links. If we find some particular sites of interest, we'll add them. But this is one to put on your own home page while taking this class. You have the link in front of you every time you open a new browser window (or tab).

Ammon's Home | Anadakrishnan's Home | Department of Geosciences

Prepared by: Charles J. Ammon