Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Saint Louis University

Geoscience Courses

Improving Your Reading, Writing, and Study Skills

You are spending a lot of money on your education but if you don't know, or learn how to study, you won't get a good return from your investment.

Fortunately studying is a skill that can be learned and refined - and it's never too late to adopt more effective and efficient study skills. Be smart. Learn to study.

The University Wants to Help

Are you aware that the University provides staff and facilities to help you improve your reading, writing, and study skills?

Visit the people at the Student Educational Services Center located in Room 300 of Tegeler Hall. Don't wait until the day before the exam - no one can help you then, schedule a visit now.

INTERNET Resources

In the mean time, here is a collection of web sites that include good time-management, study-skills, test-preparation, and test-taking tips.

Check out some of these sites, they contain ideas that can help you perform better and get more out of every course on your schedule.

Cal Poly, California

Keene State College, New Hampshire

University of Texas, Austin

Dartmouth College, New Hampshire

University of Minnesota, Duluth

St. Thomas University, Minnesota

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Virginia Tech

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Prepared by: Charles J. Ammon (Last updated:10/7/119 )