Earth, Our Environment
An Introduction to Physical Geology
To better understand the Earth, you have to get out and observe it. We can't have many field trips in a large introductory course, so if you really want to be able to pick up a rock, look at the landscape, and "read it", the best thing to do is to go on field trips, run by our department or community geology clubs, attend mineral exhibits, etc. You don't get credit for doing these things, and you don't have to do them for the course. But those interested, here are some activities in the area:
Upcoming Events:
- March 21-23 - Rock Hobby Club of Greater St. Louis - 36th Annual Show, Machinists Auditorium 12365 St. Charles Rock Road, Bridgeton, MO.
- May 16-18 - Great-St. Louis Association of Earth Science Clubs, Inc. 5th Annual Show, Wayne C. Kennedy Park & Recreation Complex 6050 Wells Road (off Highway 21), St. Louis County, MO.
- August 22-24 - McDonnell Douglas Gem & Mineral Society 34th Annual Show, Greensfelder Recreation Complex, Queeny Park, 550 Weidmann Road, St. Louis County, MO.
Recent Events:
- March 10-15, 1997 - SLU Geo-Club annual field trip. This year, the club traveled to the Grand Canyon.
- February 21-23, 1997 - Cabin Fever Productions Annual Gem and Mineral Show at the Kirkwood Recreation Center, 111 S. Geyer (I have never been to this one, but the cost is only $2. Generally they have displays of gems, minerals, and rocks that are for sale by those putting up the displays).
- February 15, 1997 - Geo-Club Field Trip to an underground coal mine in West Franklin, IL (See me if you are interested. $8 + cost of your food).
Prepared by: Chuck Ammon
March 1997