GlobeScience on TVGlobe

GlobePBS: Stephen Hawking's Universe - The WWW Site

This series discussing many aspects of modern cosmology was very good - watch for re-runs.


Tuesday evenings at 8:00 PM on KETC Channel 9.

GlobePBS: Scientific American Frontiers

One show each month, on KETC Channel 9.

GlobePlanet Earth

A show that is part of a "tele-course" at St. Louis Community College.

Sat 7:00am-8:00am ( KETC Channel 9)

GlobeBill Nye The Science Guy

This show is too funny to be just for kids, but it's on early...

Sat 6:30-7:00am ( FOX Channel 2)

GlobeThe Discovery Channel Online (Science)

GlobeThe Weather Channel

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Prepared by: Chuck Ammon
October 1997