Penn State - Earthquake Seismology


RftnBrowser is a tool that I wrote to help my students explore the receiver functions that they were working on. The application has no fancy features and the input data are never modified. But you can create a log, save the charts, and quickly scan through directories full of receiver functions and quickly (& crudely) estimate thickness and Poisson's ratio.

This software is unsupported - I would enjoy hearing if you like it and use it, but I have no time to answer questions or respond to requests for modifications. The program is free (you get what you pay for), but I retain all rights related to this software. I have no plans to distribute the source.

Charles J. Ammon
23 November, 2005

The top trace is a radial receiver function, the lower trace is a transverse. The vertical red lines are the predicted arrival times for the major phases (adjustable) in a radial receiver function corresponding to a one-layer earth model. The symbols in the upper right show the distance (semicircle), the azimuth (full circle) and the source-equalization misfit from the iterative deconvolution procedure used to estimate the receiver functions.

Input files should be in SAC format and the file names should end with eqr and eqt. The Gaussian width factor should be stored in USER0; the ray paramter [s/km] should be stored in USER2; the percent fit should be stored in the USER5 SAC header field (if you want to use the fit bars). Sample data are

included in the download.

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4.1 or higher.

Download RftnBrowser

Penn State Earthquake Seismology

Ammon's Home
Department of Geosciences

Last Updated:23 November, 2005