The computer programs in this "package" use the SAC data format. SAC is a flexible seismic processing package developed by the seismic research group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The WWW home page for SAC is here. Details about SAC can be found at that site. |
The basic idea governing receiver-function data organization is to group the signals into "clusters" that sample the same structure. Most observations are also naturally clustered by the distance and azimuth of appropriate sources. Waves approaching a seismometer from different directions may sample very different structures. An extreme example is shown to the right.
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At most stations, the structure varies with azimuth and even in the simplest cases, the response can vary with distance from the station. We usually group the observations by azimuth, then distance. We stack, or average, waveforms from the same azimuth and distance range, although at times, when the coverage is very broad, studying the response as a more continuous function of azimuth or distance is a nice way to study the structure. Click here for a data-organization "flow" chart. |
For the Rftn analysis, you need three-component observations, preferably with a wide bandwidth. If the instrument response of the components is matched, you do not have to remove the instrument effects before proceeding, but you must insure that the gains are equalized before proceeding to the receiver function deconvolution. To correct for differences in instrument gain, use the scalar division command "div" in SAC. If the instruments are not matched, you should remove or replace them with a set of uniform instrument responses, which you can do with the "transfer" command in SAC. For example, suppose I had three seismograms from SNZO: myevent.z myevent.n myevent.e The instrument responses for the station are matched, with the exception of a small variation in the gain. To remove the slight difference, I would execute the following SAC commands: r myevent.e myevent.n myevent.z div 6.465442 6.478608 6.307450 w over The gains are actually the values above x 10^13, but the constant factor doesn't matter, only the variable coefficient. |
Once you have the instrument response worked out, you next need to supply the information necessary for SAC to rotate the horizontal seismograms into the theoretically based radial and tangential directions. Specifically, you set several header variables in each of your waveforms:
To set these values for each seismogram, you use the change header command: |
SAC Commands |
Comments |
r my_seismogram ch evla _____ ch evlo _____ ch evdp _____ ch cmpaz _____ ch cmpinc _____ wh |
read in the seismogram change header values (fill in the blanks) Overwrite the header |
The "r" command reads the seismogram into memory. The "wh" command writes the header, saving the appropriate information. Once this information is stored in the header, SAC will automatically compute the distance and back azimuth of the observation. Latitude is positive north of the equator, longitude is positive east of Greenwich, England. Enter the numbers in decimal degrees. The cmpaz is the component azimuth also in decimal degrees, north is 0°, east is 90 °, etc. After you have made these additions to the file header values, you can view the great-circle distance and back azimuth using the "lh" command lh gcarc baz Windowing the DataThe final data-preparation stage consists of windowing the P waveform from the pre-signal noise and the rest of the seismic signal. The amount of record that you use depends somewhat on the seismogram. You want to isolate the P-waveform from the remaining signal. For the usual teleseismic distances (30° to 95°) you are usually safe by using about 60 seconds of signal "leader" and 60 seconds of signal following the onset of the P wave. The precise duration can vary if needed, these are typical values. At times details in the estimated receiver function may be sensitive to substantial (10s of seconds) variations in length, and you can get a feel for the variations by comparing several lengths of signal during the source equalization procedure. To cut the desired part of the seismogram from SAC, you use the "cut" command. The SAC time reference system is based on two different times. A reference time which is stored in the header "kzdate and kztime" and the begin time of the trace. For our purposes, the begin time is most important, since we will use that value to reference the cut. Suppose that the P-wave onset occurs at about 80 seconds into the seismogram, then we would want to window the signal between 20 and 140 seconds. We also should remove the mean and taper the ends of the signal to avoid signal processing artifacts later in the processing. The following SAC commands with perform the desired operations. r myseismogram.e myseismogram.n myseismogram.z qdp off p1 cut 20 140 r rmean taper w 0.1 w over Once the data are windowed, we are ready to calculate the the radial and tangential receiver functions. See the Source Equalization Page for a discussion of the procedure. A SAC Macro For Pre-Processing Raw ObservationsIf you have many waveforms to prepare, the above will get tiring. Here is a SAC macro that I have used to handle cutting, detrending, tapering, and separating noisy observations from the better signals. The data are stored in files named: *BHZ, *BHN, *BHE, where the * means "whatever". Make a directory with a copy of your observations (Data files will be overwritten if you execute this macro - work with a copy of the data!) and execute this macro. The macro is interactive - you will be picking the approximate P onset from the vertical component using the PPK command in SAC. When the cursor appears, place it at the P-onset time and enter "t" "0" (that's a zero) to set the t0 header value. Enter "q" to go onto the next part of the macro, where you decide whether to keep the data or move them into the "Noisy" directory. You only need to identify the time the time within a few seconds, don't agonize over precision. If the data are all noisy, just enter "q" and then enter an "t" later to move the signal to the "Trash" directory. The mean and a trend are removed from the observations and a cosine taper is applied on the left and right fifth (about 25 seconds if you keep the time limits in the macro) of the signal. You must edit the "div" line to put in the correct instrument gains, or just delete that line and correct the gains later. |
The SAC Macro |
Comments |
sc mkdir Trash sc mkdir GoodOnes qdp off ygrid on do file wild *BHZ setbb vert $file setbb east '( CHANGE 'BHZ' 'BHE' %vert )' setbb north '( CHANGE 'BHZ' 'BHN' %vert )' r %vert %east %north synch w over r %vert rmean rtr ppk setbb t0 &1,t0 r %vert %east %north ch t0 %t0 w over cut t0 -60 t0 +90 r %vert %east %north rmean rtr taper w 0.2 div 6.307450 6.465442 6.478608 w over p1 setbb resp (REPLY "Enter t to trash the file") if %resp eq "t" then sc mv %vert Trash sc mv %east Trash sc mv %north Trash else sc mv %vert GoodOnes sc mv %east GoodOnes sc mv %north GoodOnes endif cut off enddo |
Make directories. Key on the vertical... Synchronize the file start times. Pick the P onset & mark it in the header. Cut the data 60 s before and 90 s after the P onset. Remove the mean, a trend, and correct the gain of each instrument. Move the files into the directory "GoodOnes" if they look useable, or into "Trash" if they look really bad. Turn cut off and do the next one. |
Overview | Data Prep | Source Equalization | Creating a Model Prepared: June 1997 - Charles J. Ammon, Penn State |